
The Leave Configuration feature in HRMS allows organizations to define and manage leave policies effectively. Follow the steps below to set up leave management:

Go to Leave from the sidebar slide.

There are four tabs My leave, Team leave, Pending & Approval & Leave Regularization.

Your leave balance will be displayed at the top of the page, categorized by leave types (e.g., Sick Leave, Casual Leave, etc.). Additionally, it will show your upcoming leaves and leave history, making it easier to track your balance.

There is also a filter option that allows you to view your leave status, showing how much leave has been approved, is still pending, or has been rejected or canceled.

You can also apply date filters to view your leave data within specific time periods.

Apply for Leave:

  • Click on the + Apply Leave button at the top-right corner of the page.

  • Fill in the following details in the leave application form:

    • Leave Type: Choose from available options (e.g., Sick Leave, Annual Leave, etc.).

    • From Date and To Date: Select the date range for your leave.

    • Reason: Provide a reason for the leave.

    • Attachment (Optional): Upload supporting documents if required (e.g., medical certificates).

Click Submit to send your leave application for approval. You’ll receive a notification about the status once your manager reviews it.

Tip: Ensure you’ve checked your available leave balance before applying.

Note: If the Sandwich Leave Configuration is enabled, leave deductions will be calculated according to the policy.

Under the Team Leave Tab (For Managers)

  • Navigate to Leave> Team Leave.

  • A list of employees will appear with their total remaining leave balance, allowing managers to view the cumulative leave of each individual.

  • Click the employee's name to view detailed attendance.

After clicking on the team members name who is working under you or reporting to you, where everyone's leave taken or has been credited through reularization will be visible, making it easier to track the team's leave status.

Under the Pending & Approval Leave (For Managers) :

  1. You’ll see a list of pending leave requests from your team.

  2. Review Details:

    • Click on a request to view details, including the reason and any supporting documents.

  3. Approve or Reject:

    • Use the Approve or Reject buttons to take action.

    • Add comments (optional) for clarification.

You can also filter through employee wise and status wise. Also dates can be customised.

Under the Leave Regularization Tab:

Leave regularization allows you to adjust leave balances by either crediting or deducting leave. Here’s a step-by-step guide for both actions:

1. Credit Leave

To credit leave to an employee’s account:

  1. Navigate to Attendance > Regularization: Go to the regularization section in the attendance management area.

  2. Click the + Regularization Button: Initiate a new regularization request.

  3. Fill in Details:

    • Select Leave Action: Credit or Deduct

    • Select Member: Choose the employee whose leave balance needs to be credited.

    • Leave Type: Select the type of leave being credited (e.g., Sick Leave, Casual Leave, etc.).\

    • Leave Count:Enter the frequency of leaves to be credited.

    • Reason: Provide a reason for crediting the leave (e.g., compensatory off, special leave, etc.).

  4. After reviewing the details, approve the leave regularization to credit the leave to the employee’s balance.

  5. After regularization, the employee’s will receive notification for the same and leave balance will automatically update, reflecting the credit.

2. Deduct Leave

To deduct leave from an employee’s account:

  1. Navigate to Attendance > Regularization: Go to the regularization section in the attendance management area.

  2. Click the + Regularization Button: Start a new regularization request.

  3. Fill in Details:

    • Select Leave Action: Credit or Deduct

    • Select Member: Choose the employee whose leave balance needs to be deducted.

    • Leave Type: Select the type of leave from which the deduction is being made.

    • Select Date: Choose the date for which leave needs to be deducted.

    • Reason: Mention the reason for deducting the leave (e.g., absence without approval, incorrect attendance record).

  4. Approve Regularization: After verifying the details, approve the leave regularization to deduct the leave from the employee’s balance.

  5. After regularization, the employee’s will receive notification for the same and leave balance will automatically update, reflecting the deduction.

Last updated